Sunday, June 23, 2024

Trees and the unseen bond

Unseen unknown bond with Trees:

Giant trees standing in one place for ages if they have seen it all.

Those big trees spreading their arms its an invitation for us.

Such an irresistible attraction for them.

Sometimes I feel I was one of them in my past life and that bond pulls me towards them.I touch them and can sense life flowing through underneath that rough bark.It is not as soft as wrinkled hands you remember of your grand parents but you feel that warmth and age-old wisdom.

Every time i cross those roads feels like they recall my visits months /years back and bless me in every possible way.

These are few with seasonal blooms.They are not giant and don't think they are as older ones.
But for some unknown reasons I wait for their tender pin flowers every year wishing I could witness them dancing to the tunes of evening breeze.

Golden shower or bahawa can disguise as any ordinary tree off season but during summers those yellow sparkling chandeliers are sure to memorise you.
Remembering there whereabouts and looking for them in summers...even a faint sight of it while passing by makes heart smile.

Gulmohor trees lined up at roadside or some loner flauting its beauty in hot summer afternoon.How can you miss it.Flowers look different in evry hour of the day.
Watching those orange flowers  in Twilight hours..they have stolen my heart forever.

And then eternal one Kalpavriksha or wishing tree.
Does it really exist? has anyone seen it? is it really imaginary?
who knows.....

But i have seen it in human forms.

Sometimes unexpectedly your neighbour offers you sabudana vada and that is exactly what you are craving for on the fasting day.
Your groceries are getting ordered every month without you have to step out of home or spending hours on net placing order on amazon/gmart.
Rainy season is there and u thinking of buying rainy shoe and you been show that lovely pair online and next day its at home.
Sometimes watching sunset at marine drive.
Sipping on that tapari chai post experiencing first shower of season,
Sometimes on long drives ...
Sometimes on quiet evenings on the way home.

Whatever you wish for getting full-filled in pleasant and timely manner its bliss of life!