Sunday, February 10, 2013

Birthday and their mommies...

Arrival of aryan opened door to entire new world for of fun excitement learning and surprises.

Attending kids birthday parties definately tops fun part of it.When aryan was probably 5 months old that time he recieved his first invitation for birthday party and well it was on good printed paper with baloons and cartoons all over it and offcourse his name written on it and dress code...i was clearly stumped looking at that card.usually kids tag along with their mothers but this time i was the one who was tagging him as he had songs playing in full volume and kids trying to compete that with thier voices party place was great chaos.baloons and colorful ribbins hanging from all possible angles, soft toys lying on floor it was perfect birthday party scene.birthday boy was celebrating his 5th birthday and all his friends in age range of 5 months to 5 years accomponied by their mothers there was hardly any place to move but same place was big enough for kids to play hide and seek, pass the baloons, dance, kick each other and doing all possible things.
5 months old aryan who was used to may be just few deibles of audio frequency had gone frantic the moment we entered the place he started pulling my hair and crying from top of his bottom.In an attempt to pacify him we had reached some corner of the room from where it was impossible to turn back.
So we had no option but to wait and watch.I was terribly frustrated irritated and cursing myself for
my very presence there.Seems god only pitied me that time and cake w as out and suddenly all scattered kids surrouded cake and then one musical bday wish and clapping and that big ballon was flat with chochlates on foor and kiddos trying to collect then aryan probably had surrendered he was clinging to me as tightly as possible and miserably looking around.within 5 mins we got our snacks plate and i was out balancing aryan his return gift and snacks plate facing sympathetic looks from fellow mommies.
Things have changed over last 2 year after 1st birthday party.Aryan 2:5
Years now has started liking these parties.He wishes bday boy or gal and then he looks out for showcase or corner table where he can get some cars and till date he has always succeeded and then he is sorted for time being.As soon as cake is out on the table he hurdles it along with others, happily claps and sings birthday song in his own language.(i hv noticed he muttering same words for last couple of parties so i know thats his version of happy birthday to you!
And when snacks paper plate is out he hogs on yummie cake and wafers and rest of the stuff is for mammy dear may it be couple of idalis or dhokala or sweet piece.

Even for me as mother things have changed in last two years .I have made friends with other mommies so i now i dont feel like as i am tagging along.
I exhibit my gift wrapping skills ...u know what i mean...all of us do that pass the parcel game in case we hv multiple cars tiffin boxes water bags cryons at home :)
As bacchus are busy playing in thier group i njoy some chit chat and finish my plate as well as aryan's leftovers.we share our bacchu stories take tips from those who have older kids than ours.
We all say as our kids grow we gonna miss these parties as they would be on thier own and on that note we set for respective homes promising to meet on next birthday party!