Juhu Beach=Fun is the equation which I have in my mind for years now. Roots are back in the childhood days I guess age of 7 to 12
summer vacation and used to visit my mama’s place. He used to take us all to Juhu. Camel ride, round zhoola with horses at its end,bhel, kulfi, ice-cream and off course making mountains ,castle with sands. Couple of hours at Juhu beach used to be magical. Over period of time as we grew up studies classes tuitions practical why.vaa filled month of May and there were no more summer vacations and so visits to Juhu.
After probably more than 2 decades post marriage, again started occasional visits at Juhu.
Juhu had definitely changed face over 2 decade but so do life has changed.
Clean white water was history.. rush may be 20folded in 20 years. All camels, horses have been driven away.Small chat stalls have regular concrete shops now.There are guards now to keep beach clean but still some things are still the same. Fascination for water, sand , sunset, cool breeze that carries scent of salt water ,playing in sand and off course walks along see shore.
People all around but Juhu seems to cajole all of them. Rich, poor, middle class, young, old, middle aged, kids,young couples, newly married. It seems like gathering of all.You can spend hours at beach all alone but you would never be alone and never get bored. How much ever time u spend there its always “dil mange more.. “
This time visit to beach was special. We were planning for it for months. Its year my nephew was in 10th so it was year of more studies less masti, less eating out, less junk food and taking care if health.so we had decided end of year and we would visit juhu and hog on endlessly.
Pavbhaji tawapulav chat items faluda gola list was endless but we knew our capacity and sure to chuck it all.
So thre was end of exams wait was over and date of juhu visit got fixed. Count of 6 dumped in 1 car we headed towards our destination.
Newspaper water bottle beach set packet of lays we all were set.
We felt Juhu beach was crowded this time with more stalls than be4.more chaiwallas more channachore trying to lure us.
Cooler breeze bigger castles some photo time and we headed for food stalls. Everything was as per plan perfect as we had decided and then there we were standing just outside food stall lingering just to decide what to be done next. A small boy selling attractive plastic pen flowers approached us. A boy shorter than my son may be younger than him selling stuff. Not sure if he knew to how to speak was not sure of language he using only language he know was salesman’s language. May be he knew how 10 rs not looks like and he knew he has to give 1 flower and take that note.
He couldn’t hold that 1 packet of pens ..while trying to take out 1 pen 2 other were falling off he was struggling to get them back but he has got his customer.My sister was helping him collecting his stuff together and giving him his hard earned money. Buyer my son who was approximately same age as that of seller was happy holding his new stuff and there was I standing still ..once again who had witnessed reality of life..It wasn’t as if we are not aware of it, bitter truths of life but it hits you hard if u r not prepared.it stands out when appears in just black and white. somehow I gathered myself at least we have done our share by buying his stuff and we all moved on again to relax for some more time near water and from nowhere again a small boy appeared hanging on my nephews arms who was carrying additional pack of tawa pulav.not knowing what to do he looked as us ..we asked him to let go pack of food and then the boy again ran away with that bag he almost vanished in that crowd. We all were taken back by the episode.All of us were carrying some bags or other but he managed to spot the right one. Was he trained for that? By his parents or had his parents left him all alone at roadside by his destiny..for some questions there are no answers..
More we try to find answers only thing we get is more unanswered questions.. Helplessness and depression. This is really of life we have to accept it as is if we can’t change it.
Story of two flowers ...one to struggle to earn his leavings and other to become doctor engineer pilot whatever he wishes to be...