Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Vat Savitri


Ramya got place to sit and she relaxed. Metro took speed and so do her thoughts. She was already 13 years back.
Day of Vatapournima Day when wife pray that they would get same husband for years to come. Festival is symbol of love she felt.
And her love was special. She was from upper middle class Brahmin family he was from lower middle class Maratha family but he was handsome well educated and was in love with her.
With all these positive point’s family background took backseat. After initial resistance family agreed. After all what parents want is happiness for their kids.They got married and this was first festival after marriage.
She had seen her mother fasting for this day but constraint that come for working woman with nuclear family probably it was limited to fast and no elaborate celebration. So this was different for her -wearing sari, jewelry, doing Pooja, offering fruits seeking blessing and gift from her husband. She was happy excited. She got compliments from her friends and some remarks like would have loved to do all that with such supporting and caring mother in law. She was in her own happy world. Metro stopped at next station and Ramya was brought back into present.  “Who says light travels at fastest speed. It should be mind.”--Ramya thought...”13 years in 3 minutes what a speed.”. That brought smile on her face.

Train got another jerk and this time it was early morning scene in kitchen. That is the time she shares with her mom in law. “It is Vatapournima tomorrow will u be fasting?”-Mom-in-law inquired. “No Aai”--she politely refused. Conversation ended there. Girls of this generation don’t believe in all this so probably was not much surprise to her or maybe she refused to react but it wasn’t that simple for Ramya. It wasn’t about some religious stuff its more about her faith her trust. She had prayed with all love and faith and her marriage hadn’t ever lasted for a year and we talking about life after life. It was reminder of her failed love marriage. Wounds were healed but scars where still there. “Will I able to get rid of this scar ever?”--.Ramya thought.

“Why don’t u keep fast today?” -Suresh asked while their casual conversation at night lying in bed. She had no answer. He continued as if he was not expecting answer. This is our tradition and we should follow it.I know it is because of your past you don’t trust but will you be able to get over it? “Nothing like that. Next year surely I would keep”--. Ramya replied almost spontaneously. This is man with whom she started life again. He stood behind her through thick and thin. There was this beautiful gift god has given both of them. Sleeping peacefully on his arms. There was one love spontaneous immature which couldn’t stand reality of life and there was this love which has blossom gradually over time,. More mature. Can’t she do this much for the second chance that god has given to her. About strength that god has given to her to trust someone again to love someone again to start over once again and enjoy this beautiful life. Strength to forgive herself and forget past.
She wanted to do this for someone else and not for herself. This is true love she felt. She wanted to do it for not years to come but for now that she was living in.This was effortless decision.” I will surely do it next year”-- peacefully she said and slept.

“How come you are fasting today?”-- He teased her.
“Because I promised you so last year .Don’t you recollect?”--she replied with smile. And there “Off course I remember.”—Suresh too replied with smile on his face.

Ramya got place to sit and she relaxed .her mobile buzzed. There as another message link there..

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she read it.

“Life doesn’t give second chance to all “--she though...”I have been lucky and god’s favorite child indeed!”