Time that I have spent in kitchen in last 15 months is probably more than that I have spent there in entire life.Its that urge to try out something new more than actual love for cooking I guess.New in this case is strictly restricted to new for me which could be as simple as basic cake.The real new which leads to invention innovation I have no plans to reach there and happy to leave it for my favourite chefs who have given so much glamour to cooking.I mean the way they present jeera tadka dal makes it look so special.Their fancy utensils spatulas background kitchen and kitchen appliances including microwave freeze or simple mixer grinder its treat to watch.In the end the way which they present dish and taste a spoonful you decide ...you will try it once.
This list of "should try it once" probably overgrown in my case is one reason I could think of my time in kitchen and off course simplicity.Cooking these days have really become simple isn't it.From ज्वारीची भाकरी to Mexican Italian cousin.. name of which difficult to pronounce you just give it to google baba and he will return thousands of options just for you.Now catch here is everyone would have given his/her special touch to recipe claiming his/her is the best.
* So before you dive in you need to do some homework (this can be from hours to days depending upon individual browsing expertise. capacity and sometimes luck)but once you zero in on handful of cooking experts life is really easy.
There are few out there who will say add salt as per taste and few with there measuring spoons and cups.So its upto you to choose which way you want to go.First category reminds me of my mom and our dialogues when i was in my twenties.I would have fights with her on measurements and her अंदाज
* For someone who is good at basics and cooks on the whim ...spoons and cups works better as it gives you exact same taste every time you cook.
There are plenty of sites telling us what to do but just handful which tell WHAT NOT TO DO. I mean this is equally important.
"चकल्या बिघडण्याची कारण " ह्यावर एकमेव site मिळाली होती मला and it surely deserves mention here
I distinctly Remember I had started with चकली and it had ended up in मुरुक्कू ....
I distinctly Remember I had started with चकली and it had ended up in मुरुक्कू ....
Had made banana chips of regular bananas and it was disaster.
It was wait for over year to find out place where you get bananas for chips.
Besan ladu besan sticks all over inside your mouth and then sometimes it has that burnt smell or too much of ghee.So...So ....
Gits Gulabjamuns u will bet nothing can be simpler than that but that too can go wrong.
I was cursing Gits for mentioning 40 pieces out of one packet.
"You have to make small balls which gets you to proper size after frying" This knowledge you will not get unless you do it yourself or at least assist someone.
They don't write these detailed instructions on the pack and trust whoever is trying it, would follow it obediently without using any personal expertise.
Maharaja Laddu size Gulabjamun joke probably has stuck with me forever.
* Sometimes you have to blindly follow instructions without using your brains.
Gulachi poli..that's a delicacy.When you live near vile parle you will have so many shops giving you that perfect Gulpoli..but no...that is a real खुजली when u want to try it out yourself.You have encouraging sister who is an expert.So why not.
But as always you watch 10 YouTube videos for gulpoli and then you mix up everything ..recipe for gulpoli puranpoli what not.
No prize for guessing first attempt is super failure.but
हम होंगे कामयाब एक दिन
and you don't give up and finally get your favourite dish exactly the way you wanted.
- Too many cooks(read people/youtube videos /instructions)spoil the broth.Just follow one.
- Ask detailed questions(however dumb it may sound to other person😛 after all its you who are going to put in efforts and eat it in the end😂 )if you are privileged to learn from someone in person/phone.
- Sweet ,spicy, good, ok, excellent all these are relative terms and differ from person to person family to family.Something which is too sweet for you can be diabetic for someone else.
When we refer to videos for desserts/chocolate dark chocolate that we get here in India is much sweeter that what you may get abroad or there could be different brands/types for these products.
Even after getting these tips had to have three attempts to get that perfect chocolate mousse at home.
Palak Paneer could have n number of versions like with tomato,without tomato,tomato thinly cut,tomato gravy,with bay leaf,without khada masala,without garlic......
Finally i settled on favourite KKs recipe.
So may be after couple of trials you will get that perfect taste that suits your tastebuds.
- but obvious don't give up keep trying..its not sky diving anyway so can be unsuccessful in first attempt 😛
and in the end some tried and tested links,
for any chat items offcourse Tarala Dalal
Palak Paneer by kk
keep experimenting and keep me posted!