Friday, August 28, 2020

Save Money! Top 6 Life Lessons Absolutely Free!!

In this pandemic situation ,Ganesha festival has managed to bring some cheer and joy to otherwise mundane routine.Last two weeks we all were super busy trying make decorations for Bappa, home clean up and other preparations.Days with him flew like blink of eye.After saying Goodbye to Bappa yesterday, suddenly morning felt so empty today and then I escaped into my balcony garden where peace is guaranteed.

For two weeks these babies were kind of neglected.*But I could feel they were happy to see me back.Or was it other way round ?I was the one who was super delighted to be amongst them and that joy was getting reflected on my babies like a mirror?

Indeed I was surprised to see how many things can happen in two weeks.

* *There is this a baby plant sprouting in my Gulbakshi Pot.

* *I took one abundant pot to plant something new.This pot was may be neglected for months.To my surprise there were these tiny stems of apple mint still hanging there.They must have survived for months without proper watering and care.I replanted them in another mint pot.

* * * There was a new Green leaf dancing to its own tunes.This whitish green looked so different from other greenies.While propagating I must have grouped leaves from different plants.

* * * * Beatle leaf tree has got so many new leaves at the base with few new leaves from tip as well.This is the same plant which was struggling so much for new leaves.

* * * * * Water in my Bambu leaves has all dried up.I just pulled them up to check on its roots and all roots have taken shape of the plastic container.

* * * * * Capsules of foxtail plant were showing up.These are the capsules plant use as water backup.

* * * * * * There were so many small plants sprouting along with money plant.It was such a delight to watch those little ones swinging back and forth with morning breeze.

Some leaves pruning ,soil digging ,watering and there I am refreshed and ready to face day ahead.

Are you wondering where are the life lessons ?

They are surely there.You can get it all in your comfort zone in your balcony garden.

Nature is giving it at no cost.Free for all of us.We just have to keep our eyes and mind open and be ready to receive it.

* Be forgiving.

* * Wait for right opportunity Hang on there.

* * * Dare to be different

* * * * When you don't see opportunity in one direction change the direction.There is always a growth even if you are at one place.Growth can take different directions.

* * * * * Adapt to your surroundings.

* * * * * *Be ready with with your backup plan.In case Plan A does not work make sure you have Plan B ready.

Now try to match up these * marks with those alongside plants and let me know do you see the hidden life lessons?