Monday, October 26, 2020

Be Sure Of What You Want As You May Get It!

#Seven Wants

The difference between want and need is self-control.”--That is straight out of four more shots:)
When I started writing about 7 wants this is the first thing that cross my mind may be because it was the latest that I bing watched on Netflix :)
On serious notes..all the learnings of my inner engineering online course started a replay on my mind automatically.
(a must must course for those who want clarity on this I would say. ..not giving much details as don’t want to dilute gyan with my interpretations :)
Wanting is life and there is no life if there are no wants, so just choose your wants wisely.
This was take away for me and since then making conscious efforts to do so.

At this hour when we all are at unlock mode but scared to venture out , no doubt topmost want for everyone would be

  • Get vaccine for Corona

After close to 7 months of  mastering skill of being 'Atmanirbhar' ,we know now we have to live with this for rest of the life.
Hope the doctors/scientists be successful in finding vaccination for this soon and we get back to new normal.

  • Balanced Life

Life should be balanced ,isn't it? We should be able to spend time with our loved ones ,enjoy our hobbies may it be gardening cooking reading and off course need to have that financial stability.We all seek growth in many different areas of life and if only we manage to find that balance we can enjoy life to its fullest. 
So having a Balanced Life surely on this list.
This is something we can't buy on Amazon and we need to create it on our own.
So hope to create it soon.

  • Ged rid of prosperity signs around belly

Weight loss is always on the list of most of women.

Someone who grew up as a skinny super active individual external looks never really mattered.

Suddenly this relaxed lifestyle and age may be ;) has started to show its sign and one day quietly this weight loss demon appeared and so determined to drive it away along with few kgs as his takeaway.

  • Kiddo studying on his own

He is sitting quietly on his study table and completing his studies.

I am there free to do anything I TV...or simply do nothing :)

May be its just matter of few more years and kiddo will be in his own word.That time I still want to get busy with all these things :)

  • Get my driving licence back

"Are madam aap driver rakh lo na ..kyu sikhane ke piche padi ho "--

"Are kyu nahi ..Muzhe sab sikhana he.. Simple to he ..Aur abhi to me sixty bhi nahi hu"--

Nina Gupta's dialogue in Masaba Masaba has triggered it again.

Someone is doing it at sixty ...I can surely do it and I want to and I will learn to drive ..surely I will drive car one day....It will always be on my want to list till I do it.

  • Beautiful garden

Extending from balcony garden to external garden where there be plenty of hanging pots loaded with  beautiful flowers and foliage.I can wander guilt free there watering plants admiring its beauty.Roses, lilies, wild flowers, lotus, will have all space constraint no time constraint.....

And then 

“Yes, I'd love to have a garden of my own--spacious, and full of everything that is fragrant and flowering. But if I don't succeed, never mind--I've still got the dream."

― Ruskin Bond, Rain in the Mountains: Notes from the Himalayas

  • Contentment and gratitude

and finally whenever its time to say goodby to this beautiful planet I want to leave it with peace and happiness quietly in sleep.Hope he is listening :)