Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Summer2007 - Project Castle ..

when get bored and feel like doing nothing just take break from routine and be at home ensuring that saket has time off from his school too:)
Playing with kids.. nothing could be more refreshing and relaxing than that.
Kids have so much to talk about.They are so happy in thier own world and best part is they never get tired or bored.While playing with him somehow i become part of that innocent world which welcomes everything that is new with lot of enthusiasm.

Project Castle..This was project that we had in our minds for long time.doing small ting and giving it some big title...we like it that way :)thanks to art attack which provides excellent ideas.
Not sure how good the castle looks like but the time we spent together while making that was definately something that i will remember for long time.
And everyone was so part of it.Baba contributed his old watch..saket his drawing skills and ideas .secret door for castle ...yes thr is one thr...but everyone knows how to open it:)
He was ready to do everything that was required ..right from getting the mat to sit.. to finding place where he could place his castle once it gets ready.

And finally when it was ready it was celebration time... and time to say Cheez:)
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