Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I don’t have time..... many times we say “others” to “Self”.

I would say yes at least I say this a lot often.

But I have promised myself that I will think twice before I say this here onwards..

Some days bay “XYZ” asked “Hey what’s this no nail polish today?”And before I could reply there was a bouncer “Now don’t say you don’t find time”. Probably I was in much receptive mode that day so I just remained silent and didn’t argue how my toddler keeps me busy entire day and even though I am at home 24*7 I DON’T find time. Even though i didn’t reply in my mind answer was ready “I don’t have ... (We really don’t have to think for such answers)

But this triggered thought process down there. Do I really don’t have time to paint my nails which hardly takes 10 minutes for something as simple as putting nail paint which I enjoy so much.

Does my bacchu really keep me that busy or am I using poor fellow just as an excuse and I know no one will dare to question such kind of excuse.

No time is just an excuse we use to hide our laziness or may be something else which we don’t want to clearly say that point in time. A day has 24 hours. Out of which even if we take 7 hours of sleep which is advisable for good health we still have some 17 good hours at our hand. Are we really so tied up for those 17 hours all the time?

A friend of mine always asks me what is status of my blog and my standard answer is...

Frankly I don’t know if I write well or if a person really reads my blog but being good friend of mine knows well that I enjoy blogging and wants me to do something which I enjoy. So by giving this excuse finally who is at lose...again me

Why don’t I have time for something which I enjoy?

In joint family do we give enough time to our in laws at home? In nuclear family do we make sure we call them up or be in touch enough?

We don’t have time to call up our friends, our relatives or to write to them.

We are always busy with our jobs or watching tv or reading paper or something or other.

We don’t have time for our loved ones or self. What is it that keeping us so busy?

Or I am busy is just a word to flaunt your importance?

Sometimes back have seen this on one of my friend’s face book wall

Well said that was!

May be “no time“indicates lack of skill

We spend more time on things that are not important so end up having little time for things that matter more.

We lack skill to understand what is really important to us.

We don’t know how to manage our time. ”Time management” is buzz word we often use in our professional life.

We don’t use so called delegation. May be we don’t check if something can be easily done by someone else. We bite too much than what we can eat.

Sometimes it’s our ego which resists us from asking for help.

In rush of an hour and doing things we do it so mechanically that we stop thinking. We do same things in same manner for months or for that matter years.

We don’t think if doing things differently or clubbing two activities may save some time and may be energy. That time and energy can be used somewhere else.

Sometimes instead of saying “I don’t want to” we say “I don’t have time”

We avoid being too direct with people but can’t we find better words to convey this rather than saying I don’t have time.

And in the end as someone has “टाइम किसीके पास होता नहीं वोह तोह निकलना पड़ता हे !”

It’s time to use time wisely and stop saying ......

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