Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Master Chef

"Wow!We have master chef competition this month!" I tried to bring as much enthusiasm as possible in my voice..
"जाऊदे गा mumma ...teacher नाहीतरी मला prize देतच नाही .."----
"अरे सोना असा नाही you should participate..teacher सगळ्यांना कसे  prize देणार ना।  prize तर  दोनच and you all are 40 in class...participation is also important you will have fun..we will prepare something nice and then if everyone is making something and you sitting idle you will get bored na.."---
This much gyan was enough..he quickly agreed or may be by age of 8 he has already understood at times its better to agree than argue..

He said yes and got busy with his play but there I rolled up my sleeves.By now even i have understood this master chef competition is more for parents than kids to showcase their talent and creativity.(we are having this competition since almost done with 3 rounds..when they expect kids (or parent)to be innovative why can't they come up with innovative competition for kids..anyway am diverting again..)

So keeping my principals aside like kids competition ला वाजवी पेक्षा जास्त importance देऊ नई should be doing real work and not parents etc etc.I started to google recipes which kids can make..this internet is a real मायाजाल।If you are not focused you can really get entangled badly spending loads of time without any results..reminding myself of this fact after every 10 minutes i wasted good amount of time in just finding out desired recipe but no luck.Tried checking with some of myसुगरण  friends but that too was not much of help.

May be my criteris were little stingent..we had done some bread stuff ..shev puri earlier years so was not ready to repeat it It was too simple isn't it ?what innovation in that ?no way he will stand a chance for price in that case.

आखूड शिंगी बहुगुणी गाय i mean recipe अणायची कुठून ?..i mean ती simple पण असली पाहिजे  innovative पण असली पाहिजे सकाळच्या rush hourमधे  ready pan झाली पाहिजे मुलाला बनवाता येएल अशी पण पाहिजे .too much to handle...but was not ready to give up.

Finally came up with something called cheesy Monaco bites..

simple Monaco biscuit, cheese slice ,some toppings ,tomato ketchup, shev, corriander leaves..
this looked manageable.He can make some 5 6 puries and to add some glamour to dish will make some biscuit chair and table and present it as tea time snack. I was super excited with the idea.
Day before the competition another point came up..there has to be written recipe along with dish.
Again some time on internet to come up with good format.

Preparing actual dish was simple as expected.
Kiddo actually made few and finished it up as well .He looked happy thinking he can eat whatever he made and as biscuits involved kind of junk food which added more satisfaction may be..

Real challenge was getting those biscuits chairs ready.After cursing those DIY video makers for making it look so simple somehow I finished it.Such a relief it was.But it lasted only for few seconds.Now i could foresee a bigger challenge.How the xxx he is going to carry it to school.There is no way he can fix it in case it gets spoiled...and probability of failure was 100 %here...may be its not my cup of tea I thought 😏better luck with simpler more feasible "innovative "idea next time I convinced myself.

It was not difficult to convince Kiddo.He was super happy to see entire set up.Just gave him hint that if something breaks up don't worry just make your snack and enjoy it.Its important to have tasty dish than decoration☹️

As expected chairs ditched last moment but that really was immaterial to him.He came home super excited "mumma काय tasty dish बनावली मी ! सगळी संपवून पण टाकली !.I shared it with Shantanu as well. त्याला पण खूप आवडली ."

haha Monaco biscuits and cheese was super saver.He was not bothered whether he wins or someone else.
As a parent ..Do we walk the talk?
I thought as for a moment i was feeling sad cause I couldn't make prize winning recipe for him but there he was just happy with his contribution.

By end of the day got pictures of prize winning recipes..hats of to mommies and their creativity and enthusiasm..really appreciate the efforts they put in.

After all ,not all there is only one Master Chef!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Last 15 days we are hooked on to stories of Lord Ganesha.
Lord Ganesha kills different demons taking different forms Mayureshwar..Ekadanta..Vakratunda..
and we are pretty impressed by his power.

Early morning in these chilly winter days its so difficult to get up..but this Mumma does not understand anything.Daily she wakes me up early morning(i.e.process starts 6:30 AM and I get up at 6:45AM and bus time is 7AM so every minute counts ..15 minutes activities include bath,brush,dressing up,milk ,shoes and 3 minutes walk till gate..everything plus last minute pencil sharpen and searching for forgotten scales..mind it..)Anyway..

So point is mumma is really not been fair.
And today its just too much I am saying no I don't want to get up but she is not ready to budge..
Mumma..तुझा खूप जास्त होतय ...तुझे  atrocities day by day वाढतच चालल्या आहेत। ..
this is Ganehsa mumma is demon is it 😂😂😂

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Green Peas

 मम्मा ते तू ग्रीन peas आणतेस ना ते झाड पाहिले मी आज !
>>शेंगा होत्या का ?
नाही गं !direct green peas ..तूला सोलायला नको आता ते
Aryan was super excited with his discovery ..innocent mind was happy he could help his mom .
अरे ग्रीन peas शेंगाच्या आत असतात मी एक दोन वेळा सांगून पहिल पण नंतर त्याची excitement बघून मी अरे वाह म्हणून विषय संपवला.
In the evening he was all set to show me green peas plant.We marched towards other side of complex to see it and there was a small bush having greens fruits resembling green peas.
खरंच रे !हे अगदी ग्रीन peas सारखंच आहे !
पण हे ग्रीन Peas नाही दुसरं आहे कारण सगळे ग्रीन peas ग्रीन असले पाहिजेत ना yellow कसे असतील
(Now I really wanted the facts..what if in excitement he eats those fruits considering green peas..and what if they are poisonous:(..worried me..)
And thankfully there were some yellow fruits along with green :)

By the way that night after going home we saw green peas plant on google:).

Just wondering is there any search engine where you can upload images and get matching images..

really want to know name of green peas lookalike:)