Thursday, January 3, 2019

Green Peas

 मम्मा ते तू ग्रीन peas आणतेस ना ते झाड पाहिले मी आज !
>>शेंगा होत्या का ?
नाही गं !direct green peas ..तूला सोलायला नको आता ते
Aryan was super excited with his discovery ..innocent mind was happy he could help his mom .
अरे ग्रीन peas शेंगाच्या आत असतात मी एक दोन वेळा सांगून पहिल पण नंतर त्याची excitement बघून मी अरे वाह म्हणून विषय संपवला.
In the evening he was all set to show me green peas plant.We marched towards other side of complex to see it and there was a small bush having greens fruits resembling green peas.
खरंच रे !हे अगदी ग्रीन peas सारखंच आहे !
पण हे ग्रीन Peas नाही दुसरं आहे कारण सगळे ग्रीन peas ग्रीन असले पाहिजेत ना yellow कसे असतील
(Now I really wanted the facts..what if in excitement he eats those fruits considering green peas..and what if they are poisonous:(..worried me..)
And thankfully there were some yellow fruits along with green :)

By the way that night after going home we saw green peas plant on google:).

Just wondering is there any search engine where you can upload images and get matching images..

really want to know name of green peas lookalike:)

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