Monday, November 14, 2016

Shopping-an experience

The ease at which he moves in mall surprises me ..whether is Shoppers stop or D mart.
He will pick up his trolly and move from different lanes looking at different racks and picking up stuff he need... amazing..   other day he picked up some random T shirt and said "mom isn't it good ?its of my size ,color is good as well let's buy it." He turned around and put it in trolly till I could digest what he said couple of minutes back..
There would be packets of orio bourn-born choco pie and then lays wafers kinder joy cold drink bottles..
Initially we used to scold him not to pick up and  there used to be some tusun but now we have learnt tricks of game.We let him pick up whatever he wants and settle stuff at counter.:)
Its win-win situation ..he enjoys his shopping and we enjoy watching him doing shopping

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