Thursday, October 10, 2019

Its just a snack!

Sunday evening when I am busy doing veggie shopping for the week, father and son duo decides to finish snacks shopping.There they are with bag full of packs.
>>what all things you have got?
>>Got everything which he wants..
Discussion ends there.

Scene 2:Day 2 :
Evening snacks time..
I hand over cup of milk to him..
and there he goes..

>>"Mumma मला जवानी पॉप्स दे "

My eyes almost popped out..

>>" काय देऊ तुला?"

>>;अगं अस काय करतेस तू ? काल आणलंय ना मी 

Me on my way to kitchen wondering ( loud self talk )what जवानी पॉप्स  look like 😃

>>; तुला माहिती नाही का ..शंतनू ला पण माहिती आहे मी त्याच्याच tiffin मध्ये खाल्लं 

now my curiosity really builds up...I took out new snack pack and there you go 

जवारी पफ AKA जवानी पॉप्स 😆😆

May be ह्या नावाने खप जास्त वाढेल 😆