Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tht the way it is

Sometimes you just like someone for no reason.you like his company u enjoy his presence u feel so comfortable with him.u enjoy talking with him....may be just 10 minutes in a day u talk u exchange smiles or just greet each other… this does’t take years to happen. it may just happen in few months or even few days…u get used to that person unknowingly..u appreciate small things about that person…and u wish some of his qualities you could find in your dear ones….may be his way of speaking…innocence…good mixture of naughtiness and seriousness… respect for other person….and then its time to say good bye again…don’t know why this happens but then I guess that’s the way life goes not..u meet some one u spent some good time together and then we move on taking those sweet memories along with…may be over span of time memories fade..life takes us in different directions…but still world is small enough there is always hope may be we meet again sometime in future.

1 comment:

Thoths said...

hmm some thing fishy here. I will take that offline :)

but I agree 100% to wat u say...