Monday, October 7, 2013

Tale of Thank you!

One of those morning rush hours…done with morning cooking…tiffin packing and

there gets up “Little one”….

all other things take a back seat priority is brushing…(Never thought teeth brushing can get this rhythamic)…ok musical session is done too!

Next is finishing cup of milk… all set for it but today doesn’t seem to be one of the lucky days when within 5 minutes milk is vanished.

Ok…he wants oeoooooo…..(All experienced mothers do I need to tell you what oeoo is J)


No bacchu..first you finish your milk and then I will give you Oeeooo…


Ok..half mug then oeeooo pakka.


Mamma is very angry now… she will not offer you milk now…..ever ever ever…

Oeeoooo…oeoooo Oeeooo

10 minutes are already gone…..

(Probably it’s time to get it to microwave for another 10 sec of heating(You have to be really precise here…9 seconds and milk is not good enough to drink and 11 seconds is too hot to take even a sip..)

So here I go to get Oeooo….

Bacchu is right there behind me….standing on chair watching all my moves..


cho cho chooooooo..oooo…..

I don’t get a single word out of it(Mothers understand baby talk..ok I am exception to this..I hardly understand anything..)

But I know exactly what is he trying to say…

Mamma mamma ….that at the end…

no no..not the front one…one in the end…

Correct..right there…you got it right…

There are my oroooo at the bottom…

Get it for me yummiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….

And there I am taking out 1 oreo for him from the pack and hand it over to him and then there comes a word…sweet word …almost spontaneous with genuine smile on face…Thank You!

I cant believe this…what you said..come again…you really said it or am I going nuts..and he goes again

Thank you mamma!much clear this time.I can distinctly make it out.

Ohh my darling baby you said Thank you to me on your own…without any prompting…

All frustration vanishes in a second..

Aaaaaaaaaaaa…There goes a happy boy with 2 Oreos in hand much deserved one…murmuring  Thank you Thak you! And there goes a proud mom whose baby knows to say thank you !

Thank you has never sounded that sweet Indeed!!

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