Monday, February 11, 2019

His Plans...Short Story.

"My sister coming down from New Zealand to stay with me with her two young daughter.She is coming after such along time.Need to find out nearby places for weekend outing.I also have got few salwar suits stitched for my nieces.They don't get all these over there no.Every time she sends me beautiful gifts from there.This time will buy something nice for her..." Harsh was unstoppable.

Recently she had developed friendship with Harsh.Within few months now she had started admiring her.Working lady with teenage kids.Most of the times she would be tired in the evening. Pollution issues problems ..sometimes newly stitched dresses.. kids tantrum would be subject of discussion which would often end with "we should meet often it is stress busters" or "we should pay more attention to our health kind of things.Usual ladies talk..she was the only working person in house but she never complained about it.Nitu was glad to see Harsh delighted.
One of the bonds that get stronger and more beautiful over time is between two sisters.All those fights two had over little things in childhood.. those disagreements ..age gap everything just dissolves over time and what comes up is beautiful open healthy caring bond...Nitu was thinking as he saw Harshveer having stroll with her younger sister in the society compound late evenings.
Ohh so looks like she has come down..small built for Sikh family Nitu thought..two long chotis for little gals are so cute.Nitu decided not to disturb Harsh and just waved at her.she remembered long walks she had with her sister during vacations ..endless laugh over silly things or some really meaningful discussion.
Over next 5 6 days Nitu saw Harsh busy with her sister nieces and family.
Next when Nitu and Harsh meet her sister was already gone to her mothers place in Punjab and Harsh got busier with her routine.
"Haven't seen her for some time now looks like too much pressure at office.She didn't attend birthday party as well yesterday.May be can whtzapp and chk".. Nitu thought and again in daily chores it slept out of her mind.
And there she was across stairs Nitu quickly checked on her "Where have you vanished gal ?haven't seen you for some days .You didn't even attend the party."
Harsh replied "..had been to Punjab at mothers place. My sisters husband expired. No one knows what happened probably during sleep he got cardiac arrest. Sister went back now to New Zealand.She had come to visit sick mother after 4 years and see what happened."
Nitu Felt numb for a moment. Her heart wrenched for girl whom she has just seen from distance. whom she had never meet.Poor lady who staying abroad comes to visit her sick mother, spent time with her loved ones must have gather some fond moments which she would cherish for few more years till they meet again.But god has some other plans.Mortality of human is truth so difficult to accept.Human life is so fragile and unpredictable.Something which Nitu has seen happening in movies and drama so far was happening to someone in real.It made her pause and reflect on life.Kids not doing homework ,husband not spending time, bored of cooking ,tension in job..may be someone has more complex problems to cater to today ...whining on petty things is it really worth..not sure what plans god has for us. lets celebrate this life when we still have it."

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