Friday, February 1, 2019

To be or not to be .......Tech-kid..

Few days back got one forwarded message on whats-app about #Tech-Kid and it really triggered lot many thoughts regarding technology, kids, as a parent role that we play in introducing technology to our kids. 

Gave title to this write up and thought is it really appropriate ? I mean do kids of this Alpha generation really have this option of to be or not to be?By default or by birth they are Tech-kids growing up with ipads and smart phones in hands and completing pending homework posted on whatzpp apps..They are smart, fast and super curious.They relate to things and can express themselves so well ..know exactly what they want.
With world coming closer and loads of information available at fingertips hope as a parent we can help them understand difference between information and knowledge.
Curious young minds are open and ready to explore every possibility they see. May be we have to be more open and less protective.
Cupboards are full of cars,board games expensive gifts but post school if they wish to play with discarded tyre lying in ground let them play without worrying about uniforms getting dirty, hands getting muddy or  getting late for lunch.

On lighter notes...with increasing weights of school bags and rules and regulations only on paper I really wish ⇣ this can happens soon:)

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