Sunday night
9:30 PM
Last maths paper on Monday morning
Me ""Please pack your bag for tomorrow and don't forget geometry compass box."
9:45 PM
There seems to be some struggle in packing stuff.
Me: "What is wrong? Already 15 minutes and still bag not ready.."
"मम्मा geometry compass box मिळत नाहीये"
Reality check...
- I don't have geometry box for spare like n number of other spare things
- Shops are closed now.
- There is no way next day morning before school we can get it.
- Considering मुखदूर्बळपणा of my son there is no way he will ask for it to anyone...
- All thoughts rushing in ..making me scream. I almost skip my beat..
"अरे आता रात्री १० वाजता तुला आठवतंय ?..शोध नीट असेल तिथेच कुठेतरी"
10 PM
I wind up my chores and as there is no noise assumed brat must have got his geometry box and ready to sleep...
but high hopes..
I enter room and see pile of books notebooks and what not on bed and brat peacefully sharpening the pencil gives me a look which says geometry box still missing..
Me about to get panic..but seems those self help books helping out..
I hear that inner voice ...
Stay calm..
Remember principle of your project management..
You delegate your work..you do it yourself..get it done....XYZ..blah blah blah ....in the end if things are not done its YOUR responsibility...
YOUR in capital bold italic whatever highlighted...
Yes its my responsibility (till the time this little man gets serious about studies exam etc etc ) to make sure at least logistics are in place..:(
All rite I ask him to leave the place at once trying my best not to lose temper..
and hurray looks like stars with me today.within next 5 mins see geometry box grinning at me from back of shelf.When I open it another surprise all the required things intact..
Happily we pack bags and calls it a day..
Looking at the overflowing cupboards I am thinking how can I help him to get more organised.
May be neat clean organised shelves would give him some encouragement.
Probably time to build that knowledge action gap..;) (u guessed it correct..self help videos..)
#1 Rule Don't organise the clutter.
So lets declutter first .May be try out Merie kondo way.
Getting heap of everything on bed and clearing it would be too adventurous I felt.
There are practical limitations to this you see.
I would be the only one doing this activity in timeframe of maximum 3 to 4 hours before son back from school ,after all maid work done, cooking cleaning catering to door bells breaks.
So lets get realistic.
May be one shelf at a time.That sounds achievable ..(Wow I am so happy to use these words ...realistic ,achievable goals :) fine so अगदीच काही धूळ बसली नाहीये :)
And I dare to take picture of that clutter as well for before how it look scene.
Pencils of different types normal coloured water colours ,crayons , sharpeners ,erasers ..
This was crazy.
I could actually open up a shop.
Unknowingly that guilt feeling creeped up.
Are we as a parent spoiling our kids?
Its not that we buy everything.Few things we buy and few collect over a period of time as return gifts for birthday parties we attend ,gift from near and dear ones and then end result is stationary shop at home.
As a kid our parents probably never bothered to get to this detail.I distinctly remember I had good collection of those fancy eraser one with chocho candy, duck or corn.And I valued it because that was something I liked and wanted to collect.
But when I look at my son he is not interested in these things.
May be DOMS//Camlin/Apsara delux scales we are interested in more from scale fight perspective.
Then why is this clutter of other things?
I dig down further..
We need to blame for D-mart big bazar shops for visits that we pay for grocery shopping
And then there is this stationary section where kids go and invariable buy pencil boxes as its "their stuff".Grocery etc is mom's stuff 😡To avoid tantrums in open space we ignore it.(its just one pencil box?)and if you making visit to such shops every month then its one pencil box every month?and our enthusiasm is restricted to buying pencils when it comes to using it our hands /shoulders invariably pain.
No blame game..when it comes to return gift we stick to standard stuff pencil/erases..conveniently saying it would be useful.
And we really don't have time especially if we are working parents to keep stock of stationary.
To avoid end moment rush we stock up things and most of the times leave it to our kids to take care of it.
But do we really teach them how to organise it or teach them difference between necessity and wants and unreasonable wants.
This tiding up activity was surely an eye opener and there was pic of pencil arrange by marie Kondo on same day..wow what a coincidence.
It was so inspiring.
I actually spend some time in arranging it and it was such a stress buster.
Cupboards look cleaner and bigger
It was easier for kid to manage things now.
There was a place for everything and thankfully lot of free space to move stuff
I did it for clothes as well.
Time well spent and perfect drawers as results.Loved it.