Monday, January 20, 2020

Good News!!

After attending an hour long seminar on dental health at kiddos school I stretched myself ,feeling relieved I got up from my chair to catch up with other mommies.
Before I could speak, fellow mommy exclaimed "Is there a good news?"
Newton's third law of motion immediately came into action that for every action there is equal and opposite reaction.I covered my tummy with my hand and breathed in to tuck my tummy muscles in as you do when you pose for a photo.
Sheepishly I said "Don't tell me I have put on so much as to look pregnant"
"No no I just thought little bulge as you got up from chair"
Meanwhile other mommies joined and that topic ended there.
But was it over really?
Back home standing in front of the mirror,I wondered how could she see my prosperity from my loose kurta? In your early forties with one nine year old keeping you busy full time with his school classes studies and other tantrums how could she think of it also?  May be just that she was pulling my leg or may be its a warning to get back to my exercise routine and that tire around waist is no good.I consoled myself.
But this Good news stuff has caught me badly.
Remembered long back a friend of mine was been offered seat in train looking at her bulged out tummy.
Poor soul was so embarrassed considering the fact that she was not even married that time.
Another friend who was struggling to reduce her post pregnancy tummy ,took a lighter angle on this saying at least for few more days she can enjoy reserved seats in crowded bus.
All of us who have reached above 27 or 28 years of age must have heard this question at least once in their life may be in different context.
When studies are done and girl starts working probably after couple of years someone surely asks her "When is the good news?".
Here it is about getting married.
And for married women, couple of years to the marriage and pops up the question"When is the good news?"
Here its about pregnancy news.

If girl and her family wish to include you in their happiness surely you will get wedding invitation and in second case after few months no matter what you will get to see the good news.Then why are people so impatient to know it or rather why so much interfere in some one else's life.
Marriage and having baby both are very personal and private moments.
May be girl does not want to get married and pursue her carrier or passion or may be she wants to get married but still searching for her Mr.X.
In other case it could be more delicate at times.Imagine woman wanting to have baby and due to some reason couldn't conceive, faces with such question wouldn't that be humiliating?

With changing times shouldn't we change few more things like this and stop asking"When is the good news?"

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