Tuesday, January 21, 2020

10 Day you Challenge!

I had seen this on my friend's blog.
This was the challenge she had within her blogger friends.

At first I had thought such a childish thing to do..I mean those sarcastic thoughts..what is a secret if you post it on social media and all can know it...(forget about who has time to go through ur damn secrets...love...or for that matter your blog)
(I know that was really rude of me.)

But somehow that image lingered on my mind for longer.
How can any idea be childish.The way you think about it can get childish though and then again isn’t it very relative?

Is it simple?and even if it is simple is it easy to write about these things?

We have to write about self not someone else then it should be easy considering the way self obsessed we get at times..
And in the end this all exercise if for you and not for viewers who accidentally or forcefully land on your page ;)

Secrets..loves..fears..wants..places…foods…books..films…songs…picture in descending order it should be fun..and especially when you feel lost every now and then this kind of thinking may give you chance to know self better or gives you opportunity to spend some time with self and may be in the end to find out what really want to achieve ?
What is purpose of my life..blah blah ..blah..am reading too many self help books looks like :)

Once you reach age , you give damn to challenges given my others if you don’t want to do something and then you really wish to challenge yourself to get out of comfort zone ,laziness ,boredom etc etc
And I could think of some absurd challenges for self.
  • Clean fridge challenge
  • Clean bed challenge
  • Clean kitchen counter challenge
  • No mess wardrobe challenge
  • Upto date living room challenge...i.e. newspaper on place..shoes on place..tv remote on place....no dust on shelf
  • Shed off tire around tummy…(ok this looks like long term goal and not challenge…

I think i should keep working on these challenges along with 10 day blog challenge!

Stay Tuned!

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