Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Nine Loves

With Valentines Day at the corner, this would be the appropriate blog post.
So lets get started....

मम्मा ,तुला सगळ्यात जास्त कोण आवडतं?
Of course you sweetheart 😍

We have this conversation happening daily at my home and yes no exaggeration here..Its DAILY.

Same question,  or may be different version like
मम्मा तुला सगळ्यात जास्त मीच आवडतो ना? asked with same intensity every day.
My answer is also same but depending on my mental state it length varies like
  • you
  • aryan
  • of course you sweet heart
  • what do you think who would that be?
  • He is my boy
  • Boy whose name starts from A
  • Very sweet handsome intelligent boy. and on and on and on
Once I asked little one..you know my answer right and you know that mumma loves you the most still why you asked this daily?
हा एकदा तू रागावली होतीस ना तेव्हा तू daddy बोलली होतीस ... so there you go.:)

As he grows he would understand the dimensions of love.
Love of your parents, grandparents, husband ,wife, friends, cousins, teachers,  neighbour, nephew ,niece 
Love  in different forms and no form can replace other.We have to treasure all.
So this probably gets my first answer love for people in my life.
This has given me immense strength ,happiness.
To love and to be loved is greatest of blessing that we can get I feel.

That small elegant stylish animal when gracefully moves around ,it is bound to steal glances.
I just love that वाघाची मावशी . when she purrs and rubs her delicate body against your leg you have to stop and cuddle her.Few stroke against her neck soft touch of her fur...ahh you have to experience that feeling ,words won't do a justice. Respecting others views on cleanliness and hygiene you have to bar her outside gate and can't feed her but furry one wont mind it and loves you back mewing and siting outside the gate and waiting for you.What else you want in life 😇😇

Walk on the seashore ,walk on jogging track ,walk in society premises ,walk alone, walk with buddy ,walk day ,walk night..I just love to walk.
Each type has its own benefits and trust me there are no cons.
Apart from keeping you off that +2Kg it gives amazing clarity to your thoughts.
Walking on seashore and sensing soft silky touch of sand on bare foot
Walking on jogging track where you walk with another 50 people which creates vibes of well being as a society
Walking in society complex waving at familiar faces, stopping in between for quick chat, overlooking kids play
Walking with buddy discussing future plans or daily chores
Walking all alone enjoying your own company.
This love for walking surely going to develop deep bonding I can sense it now.

Love for Plants surely gets place here.This is budding love and it has started showing it results with greener healthier plants and beautiful peaceful balcony.Garden accessories , plant fertilisers gets added to your shopping list, you can't sip tea unless you water your plant babies in the morning, you plan vacations and first thought that bothers you is who will adopt your plants during that time, your favourite pass time is digging soil in plant pots and watching new leaves and branches ,to be bought list of plants for next six months is already ready and you keep flaunting your plants on fb, insta and whatz app status then trust me you are madly in love with plants and now there is no looking back 😀

All love vacations and so do I.Those few days when we are free from daily chores, spend time with our loved ones, away from home, close to nature and make memories which lasts for life time.
It all starts from planning for the vacation.finalising the place, those silly arguments to come to final destination conclusion, bookings ,reservations and then surrendering to google baba to come up with List of things to do or places to visit ,reading other tourist reviews. You start to live your vacation much before the actual vacation begins.And post vacation you continue to live it with your memories.
and this vacation process repeats every years with experiences and memories to cherish.

Mumbai rains is definitely something to fall in love with if you are stay at home person.
Just relax in your rocking chair in balcony garden, close your eyes and listen to beautiful rhythm of rain if you don't fall in love with it, you get a free coffee date with me in my balcony garden during rains:)

Collect memories and not things and then you will love your memories.They give me energy whenever I need and it is the that thing which gets multiplied over period of time.It makes you smile at times while at times it warns you.Memories guide you in your life journey.And then someday you realise this memories thing which you believe in all these years it is a concept.
Holloa !! that David Goggins cookie jar.:)

Ability to dream is one of the best gifts that we can give ourselves.Things which we don't have or we wish to have or places where we wish to go, in our dreams we can already go there.We are the masters of our dreams and we get to see what we want to .Visualisation some call it I keep it simple just dreams and indeed I love to dream and believe dreams do come true.

Last but not the least Love for Self.
You have to love yourself truly and unconditionally then only you can give that back to others.
I am thankful to those self help book for this wonderful thought.It sounds selfish first but isn't it equally true.
Love for self is taking care of your body and mind.Having healthy food, understanding your needs , proper exercise, taking out time for things that you really wish to do and passionate about and not feeling guilty about it.
As we grow up with growing responsibilities we start putting everyone else above us and then start complaining we don't get time for self.So striking that right balance to enjoy a full filling life is key.

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