Its Thursday as well so it qualifies for Throwback ;)
Rewind >
"This boy just doesn't study" I was complaining to friend of mine.
"He is an engineer's son so will study only in Prep leave ;)"He replied.
"Let him grow up and take admission to Engineering course and then he will qualify for it"
I am not ready to budge and somehow 15 days before exam starts we start our study.
When it comes to English literature(I need to admit , I was shXX scared of this word Literature when I heard it first in Std 1st now till std 4th I have somehow digested it.)we do lessons first as it has lot many ques answers...long ..short.. RTC....meanings ..who said to whom etc etc.(If you don't understand these words consider yourself lucky and continue reading :)
"Poems are simple.Just one Page and answers are also mostly one liners."Junior has valid point.
So me (yes you read it right me because he might have read/written it at least once in school) keep poems for last moment i.e day before exam.
So a day prior to exam,I tell little one to learn his question answers till the time I wind up my work.
Happily he agrees.
Within 10 minutes he is ready with his answers.
Alright , I open up note book and with first question my eyes were googly.
But he was ready with his answer within seconds.
"Earthly ills"

I was amazed at the रट्टा capacity of my little one.
"each one is trying to overdo the other person" what do you mean by it?
"Explain me Earthly ills the way you understand"
I shoot my questions
No answers..
तू हे सगळं काय विचारते ?
This is not in textbook.
No This is not done.
I open up text book and look for poem.
Beautiful poem by Paul Dunbar indeed.
1872 to 1906
Its 2020 now.
It aptly applies even after more than 100 years!
Junior not happy and complains. This is not fare Mumma.I answered correctly first question in book that you asked.
He is in hurry to finish up last few questions.But knowing his mother he decides to listen and cooperate.
We quickly read poem with some detailing and there you go.
Mumma now I know
"Earthly ills means need to study for exams and not getting to play and study as we wish during exams.."
I close the book and he is off to play :)
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