Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Are you Happy?

"Mumma are you happy?"
I overheard innocent voice while crossing the road and could not help turning back.
Little one was holding her mumma's hand and crossing the road too.
She was not looking at me so couldn't catch her expressions.
Sayomi was in same class as Aryan.So knew her mother.There was smile on her mother's face.Was it for me or for in reply to Sayomi's question? I was not sure.I smiled too.
But was mumma happy?
Smile on her face couldn't revealed the answer.
Sayomi was too curious to know.She kept repeating "Mumma tell na."
We crossed the road. Sayomi got into car from one side.Her mumma took driver's seat and then vanished in few seconds.
I was lucky enough to get auto.
But "Mumma are you happy?" the unanswered question kept buzzing in my mind.
How much marks she must have got?
For third grader ,marks that he/she scored .. does that really matter.
Good marks bad marks aren't these relative terms.Good marks for some one could be just good enough for someone else.
To avoid these marks tantrum, they introduce grade system.But then grades are again derived from marks or mark range.May be comparisons now have shifted from single marks to range of marks..Some breather for kids.whether they get 45 or 50 A+ would show up and they won't get scolding or comparisons with friends.
For kids may be more than marks what matters is making parents happy.
Smart kids know once parents are happy they can expect gifts and many more things which they want and if they are not happy then some scoldings, some harsh words, may be beating, may be restriction on play time ,screen time ,no gifts and this list can get really long.Parents too are getting creative these days.

"I hope she scored enough marks to make her mother happy."I tried to conclude my thoughts as I got off the auto.

As I enter home, the question banged on me.
मम्मा कसे मार्क्स मिळालेत मला ?
You see yourself .Keeping the excitement as is ,I handed over the report card.
His eyes quickly scanned report card and he exclaimed " चांगले grades आहेत ना मला "
Me ; "Off course marks are good.You studied so hard entire year so you have scored really well"
And then comes the googly
Mumma are you happy?
Not surprised this time I responded almost promptly "Yes very much but sweetheart these are your marks so are you happy with it?"

Thinking for a while he replied yeh I am happy but in Marathi I could have done better Mumma.

Trust me this thoughtful reply made me happier than before.

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